Thursday, November 13, 2008

Custom Neck Wallets

Here's a good idea for sundries to give out at the next installation luncheon: Go here. Custom Neck Wallets specializes in neck-worn ID holders. Villagers could use something like that when entering the Clubhouse and other places requiring the display of the ID.


Anonymous said...

I actually proposed this at last
month's Transportation Meeting...
Unfortunately, it has not to date
been implemented!
Bettie Bleckman

Anonymous said...

keep it up and we can apply for assisted living discounts

Anonymous said...

Barbed wire on top of the fence around the perimeter, visible ID carried on your body, suggestion of arming yourself. ??

Who are you expecting ??

Remember, as you think, so shall it appear

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should have a handgun and know how to shot . If we can't pay for security at sometime in the future, we'll build guard towers along the perimiter, manned by UCO officers and volunteers. With unemployment soaring, home prices plummeting, foreclosures on a steady rise, municipal services will dry up and CVers will be on thier own. We should have built a shooting range instead of that overpriced UCO Building. Check your ammo folks, it won't be long now.

Phantom OTB said...

In answer to the first message by Nork: If my memory serves me right, no gifts are given out at the installation luncheon, big or small.

The volunteer luncheon is where little gifts: like UCO pins or something similar are given out.