Sunday, November 9, 2008

North Canal Bridge

I cross the foot bridge every morning on my walk. It has always been quite dirty there and a great breeding ground for mosquitos. A pipe broke a while back and in bringing in equipment to repair it more of the walkway on the opposite side was cracked and trees, which should not be growing on the bank of the canal were pulled out and left dying. Coarse sand was put to repair the bank of the canal. In a big rain storm it will end up in the canal with the rest of the sand. The water no longer flows freely and just trickles over the sand bar. The water level is down as there is a pipe under the road to the gym where the water level was always up to the top of the pipe and is down from the top now. We will have more erosion on the banks if the sand bar is not dug out and the bank should be properly repaired and look nicer than it does.
I spoke to Sol at UCO in place of Pat Blunck who is not there and he gave me lip service and said that the County Water Company is so busy repairing other pipes that break in the Village that they don't have time to finish the repair properly. Gee, don't we pay for this service and quite a bit of money. He was not willing to put pressure on them to come and finish the job.
It would be nice if the Beautification Committee took a walk over and seen an ugly sore at the Village that a lot of us use. It could certainly use some help.


Anonymous said...

Well, if UCO can't or won't help, the PBC Water Utilities Director is Bevin A. Beaudet, P.E., Department Director, and the phone number is 561-740-4600. Also, the PBC county administrator Robert Weisman's father, is a CV resident too.

Anonymous said...

Does Bumolo have to kill someone before George Loenstein does the responsible thing and FIRE HIM .

Phantom OTB said...

Make sure you spell a person's name correct before you start defaming him. Sal Bummolo puts hours into the job he does here. His reward is the thanks we give him for his services. You must be an aggressive person. And when a person like you speaks, it comes out in your voice. It is certainly coming out in your post. CV needs more Sal Bummolos and less anonymouses.

Anonymous said...

The unit owners of Century Village cannot afford any more Boomalows. They deserve better than a mechanical " engineer" trying to do civil engineering....and failing miserably.

Anonymous said...

Sal Bummolo's reward is..


and snax

ps.After the hurricanes, why did we have to rebuild the brige to Hastings Clubhouse twice??
Was it because MR. BIG blocked the emergency overflows when he regraded ? Oh that's right, machines don't need emergency overflows.
That little fiasco cost us $50,000