Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Funny Papers

The times must be so bad that the comics are flashing back to happier days. This week, Nancy is running strips inspired by when Fritzi was the star, before SLUGGO! That little girl entered her life.

In other comic strip news, Spider-Man has rebooted to match the movies. Now if only it could have shorter storylines so it could be in more newspapers.


Anonymous said...

The comics posted bring back memories: Orphan Annie, Daddy Warbucks, the Asp (is that right?), Punjab--and of course, "Arf" said Sandy. Dick Tracy always fighting crooks with descriptive names like "The Mole" and "Pruneface." Gasoline Alley, the only strip where the characters actually got older. That beautifully drawn Tarzan. And no TV, so your imagination could run wild as you listened to Superman or the Lone Ranger on the radio. You could "SEE" Superman leap tall buildings with a single bound. Those were the days.......
Lanny Howe

Anonymous said...

How enjoyable these pictures are. Very refreshing to see, to go back in time.Mary