Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Put,Put,Put, someone is spraying the algeas

That's the noise of a small boat moving along the banks of our looked alike lake.

Thanks to someone who cannot write or speak publicly, a spraying of the algeas is taking place now in the Wellington lagoons. What product are they using? Is it chemical or natural? Who is doing it? UCO or WPRF or the County? Why this solution instead of seeding more carps as suggested before on this blog?
Maybe we are too old or too ignorant to be worth of consideration by the power at UCO or WPRF. Thanks anayway for doing something to get rid of these algeas and..... in YOU... WE TRUST. Andre


elaineb said...

Message from Manager at Cypress Lakes, they contracted for reclaimed water and have purple pipes but no meter yet, and no reclaimed water yet.

Anonymous said...

They should spray the UCO HDQ while they are at it.