Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oprah Created a Monster

On her show, Oprah Winfrey endorsed the Kindle, the device that amazon.com invented for people to receive newspaper material and books electronically. Unlike so-called smartphones, the Kindle arranged for things so that in order to access material, you have to pay for it.

Oprah is the smartest cookie in the room — she endorsed Obama, and look at him now! Anyway, real newspapers are looking at the Kindle business model and saying they should charge people to read their stories online.

I realize we're in another depression, but if this keeps up, we're going to see the return of pay toilets.

1 comment:

Nork said...

"Time Magazine" is running a cover story saying the same thing. Before we put toll bridges on the Internet over newspaper stories, try this:

Newspapers should shrink from broadsheets to compacts. I remember when comic books were magazine size when Superman had his first issue; they're smaller now. The papers are just as big today, compacts like New York's "Daily News" notwithstanding. If they really care about the environment, they should do it to save paper.

And they should delegate what to put in the paper and what to put online. Kathleen Parker crybabying that the stimulus won't let her buy that 13th pair of Pradas — that goes in the paper, and only the paper.

If papers must do a pay-for-net model, save it for opinion and feature articles. News stories must be free!