Friday, February 20, 2009

Read It and Weep

Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police

If this comes to pass, will the Wi-Fi in the Clubhouse go away, or will we have to hire an administrator to monitor our Wi-Fi logs?


Mike said...

I'm all for killing pedophiles but this is over the top BIG BROTHER.

UCO President said...

Hi All,
Having spent 30+ years in the Intelligence Community worrying this problem, I would like to recommend the following article:

Those interested in the never ending battle between the need for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and the need to prevent a rogue government from shredding the constitution should read the article and follow the embedded links, it is well worth the effort.

This article defines the issue in bold relief.

Also, research the matter of the CLIPPER Chip; an initiative undertaken during the Clinton Administration.

If there are any questions, do not hesitate to surface them.

Dave Israel

UCO President said...

Hi Nork
5:25 PM on Feb 20, 2009,

It will not be "our" problem to keep any records on Clubhouse WiFi usage.

Each person logging to the WiFi Network is doing so on a computer which is assigned a Dynamic IP address.

It is the ISP, in this case Bellsouth-DSL, who will be doing the record keeping.

Dave Israel