Saturday, March 28, 2009


What gives? Since Friday morning jet planes have been flying
over CV about every 10 minutes and it is very annoying. Has PBI
rerouted the jets and if so WHY?


Anonymous said...

Winds have been blowing strong out of the southeast for over a week. So the planes come in from northwest. This is why. When the wind direction changes day to day you get a break so it is not so annoying.

Anonymous said...

Actually, this is the 2nd afternoon
between 4-5 that they have used this flight path, low over Lake
Chatham ( It seems as if they are
stacked up, coming in one after
another-minutes apart)As long as they stay airborne...we have no problem..

Anonymous said...

Make some noise back at the airport. If you want to just vent to a machine try noise comment number 683-7242. Accuse them of elder abuse, spoiling our naps, shaking our windows, etc.
Here they come, 3 already since 6 am this morning #$%^&*@@

elaineb said...

Don’t be too harsh when you vent, a nice lady named Cassandra at PBIA has to listen to those calls. You can also reach her with the phone numbers in Dave’s noise post.