Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Freida, dear friends, is a representation of all of those in CV who are in financial need. These people passed the financial test to move here but through many different circumstances have lost part of their income.
In these economic times, it could be any of us. If we can pay our bills at the end of the month and feed ourselves, we should feel lucky. ......Yes, we will make certain that each applicant needs the help we will provide and we will not hand out money but will pay either WPRF or Maintenance for them....depending on need, maybe both.
We are also investigating the vehicle to reclaim monies advanced if the person leaves the Village and sells their property. One of the attorneys helping us is working on the best way to achieve this.
We hope to also help by directing the recipients to other services to help. If there is another need and there is a service in place already, we certainly will help them to receive that service.
My heart warms by the people who have given their time or money and hurt by some who are hard hearted and criticize our efforts. One even wrote that she hopes that Freida dies.
By-the-way, Freida does not exist, she is a face from an internet service. We would not embarrass anyone in the Village by publishing their story or face. Freida represents all of those real faces.
We are an incorporated non-profit organization in the State of Florida. As for taxes, even though we are a non-profit, we had to pay internal revenue $300. We do have a Federal ID number so if you need it for deductions, please call and I will give it to you.
If you have any other questions, please call and I will answer them.The last thing that I want you to know is that this help for individuals, will also help associations because if we help someone to pay their condo fees, then the condo does not have to go to lien or foreclosure.
My phone number is 640-7606. Remember when we have enough money, we can start helping those who are in need so give what you can.
Thank you.
Posted by Jean Dowling


1 said...

I have been thinking of different ways of helping Frieda and your last message opened a train of thought when you mentioned that you are ready to direcly pay WPRF fees and Condo fees to help Frieda and the Associations.
You know of course that we are giving $11,000,000 a year to WPRF and $6,000,000 to UCO as fees and dues. The Friedas of CV must pay about $300. a month of fees and dues of which over 50% goes to UCO and WPRF.
That is where her potential savings are since she does not pay income tax and pay small Florida taxes because she is a homestead. The rest of her income goes to food, medication, electricity, water, phone and maybe some clothing.

Here are a few ways to save

Frieda`s dignity

that will help her survive the difficult times ahead of her:
Reduce condo fees and dues by doing some of the following things:

1-Sell the UCO office and use available space in the Main Clubhouse in the morning;
2-Operate both security and bus service on a seasonnal basis; i.e. 30% residents=30% costs;operate only one gate during the evenings and week-ends;
3-During the summer months keep only the Hasting and Main Clubhouse pool heated;close all other pools;
4-Stop UCO from throwing money down the drain by trying in vain to restore the lakeshore while beautifying them would be more affordable and realistic; ( There's at least $1,000,000 dollars savings here);
5-Cancel the ambulance contract;
6-Do not sign the Comcast contract and let the users buy what they want from a television point of vue like they do for telephone, internet, water, electricity etc...
The above will be hurting some feelings in the Village but it is in difficult economic periods that difficult decisions must be made. That's when we recognize great leaders. Good luck Andre

Anonymous said...

You might feel a lot differently if you lived here year round as so many of us do. It's so easy for snowbirds to say what should and shouldn't be done here in the village, when half of the year of more, they're not even here. This is not a snowbird's only home, but it is the only home the rest of us have. Believe it or not, we do have rights, since we pay to live here too. Are you even unaware that the pools here are not heated in the summertime?