Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hi All,
The following Post by Andre has been stuck in the Draft queue for a week; I do not know why.

Hi David, please allow me to follow suit to your June 3rd reply and input some comments after your red comments. Mine will be in this color and I might be using some of the following humorist acronyms in my text.

Since your a crossword wizard you will appreciate I hope... HAHA !!!Andre

V: Very, Various, Village;

I: Important, Intelligent, Interesting;

P: Person, People, President;

V.I.P.: Very Important Person;

V.I.P.: Various Intelligent People;

V.I.P.: Village Interesting President;

VP; Vice President, Village People, Village Payers;

F: Frieda, Fair, F---, the most 4 letter F word used in America;

S.B.: Sal Bummolo, Sam Buco, San Bernardino;

B.S.: Blunck Sal ( one and the same), Bull S--t, Bien-Etre Social ( welfare or dole or Frieda status);

Wednesday June 3rd, 2009

Hi All,
Andre has posed some interesting questions in a Comment Stream on the BLOG. Below we will explore them; no doubt there will be some valuable comments and responses. As always, do not shoot the messenger:

My responses will be in red.

Acronym of the day: QFR = Questions for Record!

Dave, I am trying to understand the process here.

-1) UCO is fully responsible for all operational cost required by WPRF to maintain the recreational activities of which the lakes and lagoons are part and parcel;
Dave: Yes, per the Millennium Amendment to the Long Term Lease, UCO/CV Unit Owners are responsible for all Operational costs of the Recreational Facility.

AV: This obviously includes $ for maintenance. On 03/16/2009 I wrote to Pat Blunck ( as in B.S. above ) ''that UCO was not living up to its obligation as can be attested by the poor condition of the lagoons and its canals ''. He never answered me but i had a number of phone call with S.B. ( As in S.B. above ) who asked me which agreement UCO was not respecting. Please read him the Millennium Amendment to the long term lease as he is a very slow reader since I submitted him the Wellington Lakeshore Improvement Plan ( L.I. P. not above ) on April 14 and he committed to come back to me he never did. So he gave me the LIP service.

2) These operational costs are approved by the UCO Operations Committee which is chaired by the President of UCO;
Dave: Yes, essentially correct.

AV: This P of UCO must be a VIP ( Select among the 3 definitions above ) because he never answered any of my correspondence on this subject either like the B.S. above. Maybe he is a V.I.P ( select the proper definition here )or a slow reader like B.S. ( be careful and select the proper definition again)

3) Once this approval is given to WPRF, Anita Cruz as the Manager, proceeds to spend that money and reports back to UCO as to the status of the account on a periodic basis;
Dave: Yes.

AV: When and where do the VP ( select at least two definitions from above ) happen to see these reports? Being a VP ( I'll help you here, I am the 3rd definition ) snowbird I cannot attend all the meetings taking place in CV ( Century Village is not above ) so please guide me to the responsible VP among the 4 VP at UCO.

Dave: Actually, the entire Operations Committee sees these reports at each meeting of the Operations Committee, which is once and soon to be twice monthly. I am not aware that these reports are further distributed; a fact that needs to be changed, IMHO. Remember this when you vote in March.
4) UCO would certainly not be allowed to go into the Hasting Clubhouse and do any type of physical changes to the building without the approval of the owner represented by WPRF;
David: Actually, if UCO wished to effect reasonable changes in the Hastings Clubhouse, and if appropriate approval process was followed and was obtained from the Delegate Assemble to provide required funding, then indeed we could make changes in the Hastings Clubhouse or, for that matter, the main Clubhouse. The maxim is simple; “you can have anything you want, as long as you pay for it”

AV:You are telling me that instead of building the Taj Mahal ( UCO OFFICE ) ( please note the capital letters here ) UCO could have simply walk into the Main Clubhouse or Hasting and build there office there? WOW, So simple and all that time I was under the impression that some VIP ( select above ) built the UCO office where it is because some VIP ( Up ) did not get along with the P of WPRF. Correct me if I am wrong.

Dave: I can top that one Andre; would you believe that there was a proposal on the table for WPRF to build a two story building on the site of the Taj Mahal and put WPRF Offices on one floor and rent the other floor to UCO for $1.00 per year? UCO rejected that idea out of hand!


1: Under what authority is UCO authorized to restore the lakeshore without any approval from WPRF as stated by Mark Levy in his correspondence to me?
Dave: Again, It’s not a matter of approval; rather one of tacit concurrence. Why would WPRF refuse, if the Unit Owners must pay for the work? WPRF states that they have not approved the plan, but It is clear that they are permitting the project to proceed.

AV: David as you know the Wellington lakes and lagoons belong to the Wellington VP ( 3rd definition ). To my knowledge these VP ( 3 above ) were never asked or never gave their tacit or otherwise approval to this process. In fact at the last May Wellington Federation meeting an attempt was made by some VIP of the Federation to can the LIP ( Lakeshore Improvement Plan) and 6 of the 9 building representatives objected thanks to a move by a fine VIP ( 3rd definition ) of Wellington H.
Question 2: What tender process is being followed by UCO to spend that kind of money which is held in a separate account by WPRF?
Dave: This sort of project is scoped by the Operations Committee and funded through the Operations Budget. This process is clearly described in the Millennium Amendment to the long term lease . Please, everyone reading this diatribe must read the document.

Select the Book/Page tab:
BOOK: 11660 PAGE: 1550. Enter as follows: 11660/1550

Consider attending the Operations Committee meetings, they are very interesting drama and they spend lots of our money.
Question 3: When does the Delegate Meeting (the Board) happens to approve these kind(s) of spending?
Dave: Don’t confuse the UCO budget process, approved yearly by the Delegate Assembly, with the WPRF/Operations Budget. Your monthly payment to WPRF consists of two main parts; one part is RENT the other part is MAINTENANCE. Do the arithmetic;

an average $100.00 per month across 7854 Units = $9,424,800.00.

Are we beginning to see the light? Again read the Millennium Amendment.

AV: I see the light but I am wondering if the train is coming or going. I will ask a VIP ( only two of the definitions can apply here )) to help.

Question 4: If WPRF is only holding the money bag and the work is to be executed under UCO sole discretion and authority, why didn’t UCO collected the money directly from the owners through the UCO fees?

Dave: As noted throughout above, because it is an expense for Maintenance of the Recreational Facility per the Millennium Amendment.

AV: No further comments,

Question 5; Is there more here to this issue than meets the eyes? Thank you Andre
Please be a bit more specific; and please do not shoot the messenger!

Dave Israel

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