Friday, July 17, 2009


Golf course parking lot and road (left click to super size)
The owner of the golf course, Mr Waldman, has removed the fencing around the Parking lot, see the picture above. Coming into the golf course from Haverhill road (lower right of photo), Century Village is now open to vehicular traffic via the road shown through Golfs Edge; this is a definite degradation to our security.
UCO Security Committee members including the Officers decided to erect a barrier across the road where it intersects with the Perimeter Road (See the yellow place marker in the photo.)
It may be time to consider a major fencing project, this along with other plans are being considered and in due course may come before the Delegate assemble for consideration.
Please provide any well considered ideas in the comment stream.
Dave Israel
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Mike said...

The golf course should make an excellent homeless camping area.

Grace said...

It IS time to find out the cost of putting up a fence. We cannot wait. Why spend money for security and gates and then leave the back door open? It is going to be very costly but needs to be done NOW. Next year will cost more and so on. Uco better do something now instead of sitting of their hands and thinking about what to do.

Ed Black said...

I suggest that we seek bids to fence the entire area contiguous to the golf course, immediately, and pursue the requisite variance to make it an 8’ fence.

The expense for this project could be set-aside from any surplus from the 2009 budget, including but not limited to the “door-way fee" from Comcast, to provide for what seems to be the emergency that we now face.

If we place that fence on our side – say five feet from the party line, could we then place plants just outside the fence, to make climbing even more unlikely?

Mag said...

Ed - sounds like a good plan ---I agree-not the time to procrastinate / see what happens and then bleat and wail

Plcruise said...

Hi Dave. I also see that the golf course owner is letting the grass grow wild and junk is gathering on the course links. It seems as if he wants it to deteriorate as a way to increase pressure on CV.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the "DESIRES" of the

bob marshall said...

Fencing the golf course is a good idea that has been an option for all of these years.

There are at lease two hurdles that must be overcome.

The first is that UCO does not own the property that needs to be fenced.

The second being that at least one of the associations that does own some of this land has repeatably stated that they are not willing to approve or do any fencing.

In my mind there certainly needs to be some action taken to keep this village secure but I've not yet heard of any potential solutions that are viable.

Lanny Howe said...

I agree with Ed Black's proposal. If we plant stuff outside the fence, it should obviously not be climbable, i.e., an AID to getting over the fence. Is it a downside to such plants that they shield climbers from view? Or is the fence so far from view from the outside that this would be a non-issue? Can the 8-foot fence have the approx. 1-foot high angled strip on top with the little spikes that tear you up, or is this illegal? I would hope what Bob Marshall points out about one association not being willing to go along could be resolved. If we fenced in all but in back of that association, making it the focal point for the bad elements, I'll bet they would be quick to change their minds about this. Maybe their stance is just an old one, not wanting to have a barrier between them and the scenic greenery of the golf course? Maybe if the whole Village shared the expense, it would make a difference to this association?

Anonymous said...

We need security and there is no solution that benefits 308 Associations while permitting ONE to act independently. We should all share the common expenses and this includes the security of the Village, even in this volatile issue.

Doesn’t the Delegate Assembly decide what is the proper course of action for the 309 Associations on all common expenses? How can the "one" selectively refuse to be guided by the Board of Directors of UCO?

don4060 said...

The first comment from Mike was probably meant as (black) humor, but he is not wrong. Those guys who collect change at the Turnpike offramp are genuine outside dwellers who camp in a nearby wooded area. Some are released sex offenders whose are restricted from living pretty much anywhere because of proximity to parks and schools. If the defunct golf course provides safer, more convienent shelter, you will see them in there.

Fence it off, please.

marc v said...

Why not start off by asking the golf course owner to close gate at Haverhill.

Ken said...

We MUST fence it in. This affects the entire Village, not just the 3 golf course Associations. Is it possible to assess all units for this emergency? A small $20. assessment would raise more than $150k. We cannot wait to act

Anonymous said...

#1-I would hope that UCO would take over or oversee the AD-Hoc com. which had no open meetings for others to attend and maybe add a little good advice.
#2 We MUST protect our village and ALL its' residents. I think it should be brought out in the open which bldg(HARD TO BELIEVE)would not want protection. Or is it that ONLY one person is making this decision?
#3 MAYBE A open committee should be set up by UCO to check out the cost factor..agreement to do so by ALL bldgs. involved with their property and the impact of SECURITY
on the VILLAGE...LET's all stick together to get a solution