Monday, August 10, 2009

Golf Course

I was very disappointed at the UCO meeting on Friday when we did not have a more in depth discussion regarding the Golf Course. I think that Al Sharpin is a fool to believe that no one will come into the Village through the golf course or for that matter the low fence on Okachobee Blvd. If we are not going to spend the money now, no matter how much we will at some later date should be rezoned. The county will have more money from taxes on housing than it is on the land now. If some of the associations don't want to have the fence on their common property so be it. At some point later they will see the folly of their ways and then they can pay for the rest of the fence themselves. We are supposed to be a 'gated community'. Does that not mean a fenced in community. We are spending so much money for security. Why, if we are leaving so much of community without security, a fence. I would suggest that we do away with paying for security if we are not secure. Ed Black said that we would have a surplus from our budget. Why not start now on the fence. May I also ask Ed why he did not speak up for the fence during the meeting or Dave. You were both quite vocal on the blog, but in the meeting where it counts, as maybe not all delegates have computers you kept quiet. One way or another, today or tomorrow we will need to secure our community. Why not now. We borrowed money to rebuild UCO office, why not for our security? Where are your brains?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Grace. With all the petty nonsense being spent on cable, water restoration, building UCO a new place, cutting the grass every day, garbage pickup every two days, etc, etc. I could go on and on, but the I could fill the whole blog.

The crime outside the village is alarming. We need security inside. The security that goes around do a good job, but when there is a way to get in their job will be more then it is now.

Keep this place safe! As it is no one is coming down to the sunshine state, with what we have to offer, no one will want to buy here.

Anonymous said...

Slight correction's
Phil Shapkin, reporting on behalf
of the Ad-Hoc the
last Security meeting held this past Friday, @ 2pm, much discussion
insued on this very topic..the
conclusion: bids for fencing the
entire exposed area were being sought..Why not make it a practice
of attending "Security"meetings
which take place every month, the
same day as the Delegates'Assembly
Monthly Meeting at the time mentioned above, in the UCO bldg.
Bettie L

Anonymous said...

I don't think Al Sharpton lives in CV, but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:19 PM

His name is Phil Shapkin
and he lives at
Southampton A.

Anonymous said...

For months, George Lowenstein and UCO ignored the Waldman's plan to develop the golf course. It was only at the July delegates meeting, that a motion passed for UCO to at last, take a stand against the proposed development. UCO has also refused to publicly support "the pro active committee for Century Village" in their efforts as well.
The letter that Lowenstein sent to the Waldman's was outrageously to short. No specific village concerns regarding the golf course were
The Waldman's know that if the one organization that represents all the residents won't vigorously fight for the village's right to live in a safe and secure community, then they can and will do anything to threaten that security.
By not speaking up, the result has only encouraged the Waldman's to remove the golf course gate and fence. By doing so, the Waldman's have shown their complete contempt for all Century Village residents and UCO has failed once again to serve the very people they are supposed to represent and protect.
Did UCO warn the village of the possible downside of the proposed golf course housing? No, instead they said nothing. They didn't speak up then and refuse to speak up now.
The golf course will eventually become an overgrown jungle. housing both two and four legged animals, but at the August delegates meeting little was said by UCO regarding one of the most important issue's this village has ever faced.
I am not suggesting UCO take on a legal battle, i know everyone is concerned with the fiscal mess that follows such an action.
Lowenstein's claim, that UCO only acts based on passed motions at the delegate meeting is beyond outrageous, UCO must bring up any and all issues that threaten our safety, security and lifestyle.
UCO must be held responsible for its deliberate in-action and for not speaking out in defense of the village during this difficult time.

Snowball said...

From Grace it sounds as if Phil Chaplin does not have a position to secure the village? Only on irritating Waldmans. Did he speak at Delegate Meet, was he understood?

Anonymous said...

I think Al Sharpton could do a better job...

Howard said...

his is for anon 6:58....if you gat a plan....let's use know about it and who you are

Anonymous said...

To Howard.
Quote "his is for anon..gat a plan..let's use know.. and who you are.."
Ever since You posted questions about m.j., I know for sure You are the reason why property prices
have declined so far in c.v..
I have waited in a gym for You to show up. Are You an alien from a galaxy far, far away?
Anyway - we have over three miles of a perimeter that nobody is watching over. Couple of so called guards placed at the two gates are just a placebo for the deficient minds of some of the owners.
Large number of complexes have done away with the "guards" , Village Green and B.R. shores come to mind, without any adverse effects. Please note, Shelly Vana -
W.P.B. representative lives in Village Green.
The crime comes from within a community, from the people who live there, not from some way out off my way drive-by.
That's why the Riviera Beach = bad, c.v. = good.
UCO doing a great job in investigating. Guards - just doing their totally unnecessary job.
Oh, forgive my fractured English.
Not a native speaker.

Anonymous said...

This is for anon 8:21.

I agree with you that Al Sharpton can do a better job. We should get in touch with newspapers about the owner of the golf course and how he refuses to cooperate or maybe some city council rep who would represent us.

The Bard said...

The above comments were full with sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bard,

What's your resolution to this problem?

Grace said...

I was not at the security meeting as I was leaving for up north the next day. I don't need to answer to you Bettie L. about the meeting. Why did not the security person say they would be asking for bids when he spoke? Not all the delegates go to the security meetings and it was important for him to speak up. Phil Shapkin stood up and mumbled something about the cost of the fence, $1,000,000. and said it was unnecessary or something to that effect or maybe it was George I don't recall. I came to the meeting because I understood from the blog that we would have a vote on the fence. Again Dave and Ed why did you not speak up? We need a fence and to make sure tht the fence near Southampton pool is shored up so the homeless cannot walk right in. We are not now a gated community. We have two gates at the entrances and much open area with no defence. Again I ask why are we paying for the guards at the gates? It is a joke.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected, it was George who talked about the cost of the fence.

Bishop Jakes said...

I think We should open a soup kitchen for the homeless that are coming into CV from the unfenced golf course.Maybe if we feed them they will give us a couple hours work cleaning up CV and we can get rid of Seacrest

Anonymous said...


Sharpton (aka Shapkin) has some idea that if Cv builds a fence, we lose standing in a future action against the Waldmans and the golf course development.

Lowenstein doesn't want the hassle of dealing with the various buildings--many of which do not support his UCO Presidency-- in a fence building project.

Grace said...

You cannot force a golf course that loses to keep a golf course. Will the land be left to go to seed, who knows, for how long? I understand what Al Shapkin is saying but I think he is dreaming to think the land will be left alone forever. Long after some of us are gone the land will be developed then what? We would become part of another community or vice versa. Take your heads out of the sand. If the county can get more money from taxing a community than from a closed golf course what will happen in the future. We will have to spend the thousands on lawyers rather than thousands on a fence to give us protection. If we are not willing to put up a fence then stop paying for security. We don't have any security now!!!!

The Nutmegger said...

To j.b. 9:40 PM

Did you get any enjoyment
in posting the typo errors
that Howard posted. I am
a very dear friend of Howard and he is retired
from a very prestige
profession. Many times he
is called out of retirement
to solve problems that they
are not able to. He has
been called to Finland,
Iceland, The Netherlands,
London and I could go on
and on. In your negative
posing of Howard you said
"Ever since you posted
questions about m.m., I
know for sure You are the
reason why property prices
have declined so far in CV." Your quote is the
furthest thing from the
truth and make you look
dumb and stupid.

The Nutmegger said...


Oops! I made a typo.
I posted m.m. and it
should be m.j.

Anonymous said...

To Nutmegger.
Typo's are easy to come by. No need to pay attention to them.
Howards post is not a typo. It is an incredibly warped, unreadable piece of poetry which only masters, such as venerable J. Garcia, could achieve while heavily stoned.

janis said...

Celebrate, this is the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, who was ther e? ?