Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hi All,
The following was sent by Phyllis Richland:
Dear Editor,

In all the years I served in UCO I have never before witnessed the officers of UCO airing their dirty laundry in the Reporter or in any public forum. This, in my never to be humble opinion, shows a lack of class among the members and another reason why the residents of Century Village are disenchanted with this administration.

Personal attacks between officers and between officers and those who chose to voice their opinion in either an article or a letter to the editor is a sign of disrespect to the office they hold. -

It has been brought to my attention , as I am no longer involved in this administration, that many residents are disillusioned and angry at what is going on within UCO at the top.

When residents came to me with anger and vitriol against an officer or a volunteer in the UCO office I did my best to quell the anger and get to the root cause of it. Now, not being part of UCO, I cannot turn away from this.

After reading what was written in this latest issue of the Reporter I need to step forward and make myself heard.

What I have read in the recent issue saddens me deeply. To think that the inner working of an organization such as UCO is rotting from the inside is a tragedy.

Where is the leadership of this family? The leadership that should protect each member from attacking one another especially in public? Oh, l know.

The leadership is also on the attack. 0h, well !!!!!

Submitted by,
Phyllis Richland


Anonymous said...

Phyllis... Hang it up and stop being a sore loser...Don't forget you started all this.

The Nutmegger said...

Anonymous 10:05 AM

What happened to the word

Anonymous said...

Phyliss will be forgiven as soon as she asks for it.

Flynn said...

To Anonymous: I recently heard someone describe your problem. She said that when a person feels the way you feel towards Phyllis, you have someone living rent-free in your head. Now, if you forgive the person, she/he will not be living freely in your head. You will have room in your head for nicer thoughts and thus become a happier person. I agree with Ms. Nutmegger. Forgiveness is the answer to your grouchiness.

Anonymous said...

As soon as Phyliss admits to the criminal acts she participated in and works to correct the wrong that these criminal acts did, she is not forgiven: she IS still part of the problem.