Hi all,
This is a reminder that the new Century Village Web Site is fully operational. This Site is shut down.
The new site is in a BLOG format and encourages full interaction with our unit owners; however, registration is required.
Please see the new Site at: http://century-village-wpb.blogspot.com/
If you wish to Post or Comment on the new Site, please forward the following information, by Email, to me at: nsasigint@comcast.net
Name, Address and Telephone number.
I will then send you an invitation by Email.
Join your Cyberspace channel let everyone hear your ideas, ask a question, provide an answer.
engage in the life of your community.
Dave Israel
BLOG Admin
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Posted by
UCO President
10/11/2009 07:04:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Thursday, October 8, 2009
contact us
Hi, the contact us part of the site is way to the right of page. Is it my pc or is it that way ?
Posted by
marc v
10/08/2009 09:23:00 AM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I would like to know what is the difference between ANONYMOUS and
SCREEN NAMES. The way I see it the only difference is that the Committee
members will know by looking up their info. To the majority of the CV
Bloggers if I were to use a screen name like GRAND DAME are you going to
know that it is me. NO you are not because you are not on the Committee
that has all the info. We are being told by the people that are running this
Blog that there will be no ANONYMOUS but SCREEN NAMES ARE PERMISSIBLE.
A message to all CV Bloggers....are you getting the picture now.....All they are
doing is changing the word ANONYMOUS to SCREEN NAMES.
Posted by
The Nutmegger
10/07/2009 11:09:00 AM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hi all,
The Admin. team is constructing the new Century Village Web site.
We would like your opinions on all phases of this endeavor.
Please see: http://century-village-wpb.blogspot.com/
and let us know what you think.
If you have not already done so, you may register to Post and Comment on the new Site by Emailing to me; your name, address, and telephone number.
There will be no anonymous on the new Site, but screen names are permissible.
My Email address is: nsasigint@comcast.net
Dave Israel
Posted by
UCO President
10/06/2009 12:59:00 AM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The nations flags
Why is the Canadian flag on thop of the USA flag?
Posted by
10/04/2009 06:45:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Posted by
UCO President
10/03/2009 11:28:00 AM
Labels: BLOG Operations
New Hires
Let me restate something I was saying at the Del Mtg.
When UCO hires new paid employees, UCO should be saying:
“We are leaving behind the old school methods and cozy deals.
What new ideas, modern methods, and computer skills can you bring to the job that will make us so efficient that your salary will be covered by the savings that you create.”
Roger that!
(Its okay Roger I just wanted to use that phrase)
Don't ask me about the actual motion, that was a wiffle ball.
Posted by
10/03/2009 09:26:00 AM
Labels: CV UCO Operations
Friday, October 2, 2009
How Do You Find What Movies Are at Clubhouse
How do you find what movies are playing at clubhouse, times and dates at this new web site? I cant seem to find it. Thank you!
Your BLOGMEISTER replies.
Our Clubhouse movies are now listed in the new CV Interactive Website/BLOG. Please see:
Click on Movies in the Sidebar, under main heading;
Dave Israel
Posted by
marc v
10/02/2009 11:32:00 PM
Labels: Clubhouse movies
Thanks to Sarah McLaughlin and the 2009 Emmy Awards
Posted by
The Nutmegger
10/02/2009 08:07:00 PM
Labels: Memorial
Wild Things
Is this post strictly condo biz, maybe! Looks like your blog admins to me.
See a Sendak, buy a Sendak,
If you prefer go to Sendak's Wild Things movie, there are lots of previews of ”Where the Wild Things Are” on Utube
Posted by
10/02/2009 07:49:00 PM
Labels: Art
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New Blog Druthers
What would you like to see, or not see on new blog, admins will be chewing on this next week. The mills of god grind slowly.
* I would like to see questions answered by UCO officers and cmte chairs.
Posted by
10/01/2009 07:19:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Paulette Burdick is Toast
Paulette Burdick is toast, ring, ring, ring..
Have you been constantly interrupted and awakened by her phone survey.
There is no “go away” "do not call” option. Your only options are to answer a long biased survey or be bothered again later.
How stupid do they think we are. Oh, this is Florida and they are consultants.
If you answer a couple of questions and hang up they will call back!! Forcing you to answer – no doubt they will be amazed at some negative responses, and many hang-ups. When will the programmed calling nonsense stop.
From the news - “Burdick: paid consultants on hold. Pleased with the grass-roots volunteer organization for her 2010 Democratic campaign for county commission, school board member Paulette Burdick has put paid consultants … on hold — at least temporarily. Burdick is running against state Rep. Mary Brandenburg, D-West Palm Beach, in a Dem primary to succeed term-limited Commish Jeff Koons.” “Burdick paid $1,000 in June for the consulting expertise of Johnson, who’s also chief of staff to U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Boca Raton, and who works with Schiller on several local races.”
Posted by
9/30/2009 04:32:00 PM
Labels: Local Politics
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
When you click on the new CV web address slide pictures appear
with the date of September 29, 2015.
Your BLOGMEISTER replies:
It's a neat little trick to keep the slide show always at the beginning of the Post stack.
Posted by
The Nutmegger
9/29/2009 07:29:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Sunday, September 27, 2009
New Site
Good Luck Dave et al
It looks good.
Posted by
9/27/2009 03:38:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Hi All,
This BLOG was created some 21 months ago to give you, the CV Unit Owner, an unrestricted voice. It has succeeded to a point with the development of a small cadre of active bloggers.
From the beginning there has been an issue that has irked some; and that issue is anonymous posting.
Anonymous posting has been a problem with not only some of our bloggers, but also with some of the Officers of UCO.
An opportunity has arisen with the approach of the expiration of the CV Web Site Domain Name, to try a new experiment.
We propose a new BLOG which combines the Information function of the CV Web site with the Broadband interaction capability of the BLOG format.
Three things will happen when the new BLOG goes into final operation:
1) This BLOG will go away.
2) The CV Web site will go away.
3) Anonymous posting will go away.
The new Site is being built at this time and we invite you all to examine it and to feedback your comments and ideas about this new approach.
SEE: http://century-village-wpb.blogspot.com/
All those who have signed in to the CVBLOGANDCHAT with a true name and Email address will shortly be sent an invitation to sign in and Post to the new site.
Thank you all,
Dave Israel
For the CV blogger Admin team
Posted by
UCO President
9/27/2009 02:29:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Friday, September 25, 2009
Hi all,
The following Email was received from Phyllis Richland:
Dave Israel
please post on your BLOG that every delegate or alternate must attend the October meeting (of the Delegate Assembly). there will be a vote to include (a presentation by) the owners of the golf course property at the October 15th., 2009 (special) meeting in the theatre. I have heard , that an impartial mediator will chair that meeting. I do not know who it is, or who will choose this person. I do not know how it will be advertised, or how the word will get out, but I hope the theater is overflowing.
I do know that UCO, ie. George is starting to bend to the will of the people, in that he is agreeing to this.
Please tell every delegate and or alternate to be sure to sit in the designated areas so that all the votes will be counted properly and if any one wants to speak or ask a question he or she does not have to walk down the length of the theatre.
I am an advocate of the development . I feel that it will do nothing but good for the Village and the surrounding areas.
I have been to a meeting with Andrew Waldman (The golf course Co-owner) and I , as a former contractor, can see the development is a good thing.
let us give him an opportunity (to present his vision) without the vitriol and the one sided hysterical commentary.
Thanks for listening,
Posted by
UCO President
9/25/2009 05:57:00 PM
Labels: CV Golf Course
Insurance Committee Chair Dan Gladstone Advises
All HO Policy holders of Universal Property & Casualty Ins. contact their agent and have them add All Risk Coverage (Endorsement # H017320491R) on their policy for the extra cost of $31 annually.
Dan will go into more detail on the Endorsement in the next UCO Reporter
Dan Gladstone can be reached at 712-1923
Posted by
9/25/2009 03:57:00 PM
Labels: Insurance
Thursday, September 24, 2009
No Medicare Raise
This is an article sent to me by my buddy GONZO
Posted by
9/24/2009 03:53:00 PM
Labels: National Affairs Health
Reflections on Meeting with Developer of Former Golf Course
I too attended one of the recent small group presentations by Drew Waldman, the developer of the former Turtle Bay Golf Course. It was an enlightening and helpful time, because until then, despite the fact I had been to many delegates meetings, I really didn’t understand what was going on relative to the old golf course. Others who attended felt the same.
Mr. Waldman’s plans are to have moderately-priced housing, varied in style, a maximum of 550 units in all, in a village-type setting—that is, with some small shops and stores for use by the residents. These shops would not be there for use by the general public, but Mr. Waldman would welcome an arrangement whereby people in Century Village could patronize them. In fact, Mr. Waldman made it clear several times that he looked forward to doing almost anything cooperatively with the Village.
I was puzzled when I first saw the large map showing his development and the edge of our Century Village property. There were two large lakes—were they ours? No, they explained, these were lakes on their property that they would build, which would not only provide some pleasant scenery, but also form a kind of buffer zone between their housing and our Village. In other words, their lakes, not their housing would abut our property.
What I learned at this informal meeting was heartening. It seemed from the plans that those Villagers who live with a nice view of the golf course would now perhaps have an even nicer view with the lakes and surrounding grass areas. It seemed too that with this buffer zone, we might not have to be as concerned as we were with Village break-ins. The plans, we were told, are not for this to be low-income housing, which might bring in a bad element. It occurred to me that not only the lakes, but their village as well might provide our Village with a buffer zone from crime.
I know nothing about the zoning or legal aspects of this, but I believe Mr. Waldman seemed amenable to our putting up a fence if we wanted to have one. Perhaps in whatever agreements, if any, are involved, this could be written in as okay to do if we felt in the future we wanted it. There is no fence now, as has been noted in this blog. I understand that many Golf’s Edge residents like their view without a fence being interposed. Plus, a fence would be expensive, as Dave Israel pointed out at this meeting, costing maybe well over $100,000.
Something is bound to be done in time about the former golf course land. Turtle Bay was a losing proposition; I think it is dreaming to expect another golf course to take its place. It seems to me that what Mr. Waldman plans could very well be a plus for the Village and the general area in which we live. As one person at the meeting pointed out, the best overall solution for high-crime areas in decline is to step-by-step improve them with good neighbors. This person described how this was done in Hoboken, NJ, a successful effort which then spread to some surrounding towns.
The one thing I am uneasy about is the added traffic. Mr. Waldman did not have an answer for this, saying this would be a matter for the county or town to work out. I would guess at the least it would mean another traffic light on Haverhill between our entrance and Okeechobee.
I would like to see Mr. Waldman be able to present his plans to the officials of the Village and enter into discussions with them. I understand there has been an ad hoc “golf course committee” in the Village for some time. This is fine, and it is quite natural given that these people abut the golf course. But neither they nor groups like the one I attended represent the Village as a whole, and the whole Village has a concern about what replaces the golf course. After Mr. Waldman and his assistants have met as many times as they need to with a legally representative committee of Village officials, then there could be a presentation at a delegates meeting.
Lanny Howe
Posted by
L N Howe
9/24/2009 02:47:00 PM
Labels: CV Golf Course
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tee Shirts for Bloggers
I survived the Bush administration
The more you watch Fox, the less you know
I’m a senior citizen
Joe Bob Briggs is a personal friend of mine
BLOGMEISTER replies: neat idea, how about this:
Know that the INTERNET has no eraser
Posted by
9/22/2009 08:18:00 PM
Labels: BLOG Operations
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Hi all,
There is a Post in the BLOG bemoaning the "fact" that zero COLA will be accompanied by an increase in our Medicare premium.
Well, perhaps not, due to the "Hold Harmless" provision which protects the vast majority of our residents. Please read the following News article and rig for some confusion.
Dave Israel
Lack of Social Security COLA may cap some Medicare premiums
By Bob Moos
The Dallas Morning News (MCT)
DALLAS - The lack of a Social Security cost-of-living adjustment next year will have a ripple effect on some Medicare premiums, experts say.
Many older adults were quick to lament the prospect of no COLA for 2010 when federal budget experts said earlier this year that beneficiaries probably shouldn't expect one because of low inflation.
But few seniors gave much thought to what the lack of an increase in their Social Security benefits will mean for the Medicare Part B premiums they'll pay in 2010 for physician services and other outpatient care.
Why would they? Typically, Social Security COLAs have no bearing on Medicare Part B premiums. The adjustment is more than enough to cover the higher Medicare premium.
But what happens when there is no COLA? Now that July's flat Consumer Price Index seems to confirm the federal budget experts' earlier projection, more seniors have begun to ask that question.
The answer is more heartening for some seniors than others, says the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health care research group.
Three in four Medicare beneficiaries are protected by a "hold-harmless" provision in the law that ensures that their Medicare premiums won't go up any more than their Social Security benefits, said Kaiser policy analyst Juliette Cubanski.
So next year, if they get the same amount from Social Security, they'll pay Medicare the same $96.40 per month they do today.
That won't be true, however, for the remaining 25 percent of Medicare beneficiaries, Cubanski said.
They include:- Higher-income beneficiaries whose modified adjusted gross income exceeds $85,000 for individuals and $170,000 for couples in 2009.-
New enrollees who didn't collect Social Security benefits or weren't covered under Part B a year earlier.-
Low-income individuals whose Medicare Part B premiums are paid by Medicaid.
Cubanski said higher premiums will be charged to those beneficiaries or, in the case of low-income individuals, to state Medicaid programs.
The latest estimate for next year's Part B premium is $104.20 per month, the Kaiser foundation reports, though higher-income beneficiaries can expect to pay a surcharge on top of that.
One final note for the majority of beneficiaries who may think they've dodged the bullet: The hold-harmless provision doesn't apply to Medicare's prescription drug coverage. So some seniors may still get a smaller Social Security payment next year if their drug premiums increase.
"2010 will be anything but a typical year," Cubanski said. "I see a big potential for confusion among beneficiaries."
(c) 2009, The Dallas Morning News.Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
Posted by
UCO President
9/19/2009 08:19:00 PM
Labels: Health issues
Annual CV Resident Show
A suggestion for the “I Am An American” show 1-24, 25.
Posted by
9/19/2009 09:30:00 AM
Labels: INTERNET Entertainment
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Waldman Reflection Bay Development Meetings
Try some truth instead of hysteria and tantrums. Mr. Waldman will present his plans to wider audiences when the snowbirds arrive but for now there are small information meetings in individual condos. Go to one if you have the chance, all questions answered. Mr Waldman brings renderings of his plans and discusses all aspects of security for us and for his gated community. There is a large continuous lake between his area and CV (no boats). The whole area between Southampton and Greenbrier has no building just a long lake, plantings and islands. Only 2 tiny land areas need a fence/barrier. The blog can show plans in a couple of months. The development includes all types of homes, from single family thru flats, pool, amenities, café, park - these all hug Haverhill Road. Any current golf course views are replaced by lakes, fountains, and single family homes across the water.
Nothing is approved at this time.
Posted by
9/17/2009 05:42:00 PM
Labels: CV Golf Course
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Soc. Sec. Cola NO ,Increase in Premium , YES
Social Security...................
For the first time in history, the Democratic Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA (cost of living adjustment). In fact, The Henry J.. Kaiser Family Foundation predicts there may not be any COLA for the next three years. However, the per person monthly Medicare insurance premium will be increased from the 2009 premium of $96.40 to $104.20 in 2010and to $ 120.20 for the year 2011.
Send this to all seniors that you know. Remind them to not vote for the incumbent senators and congressmen in the 2010 and the 2012 elections.
Posted by
9/16/2009 04:16:00 PM
Labels: Health issues
CV Lightning
Was there even a power surge at the north end of Berkshire and Camden last week? Master Gardener’s opinion is this West Drive palm was struck by lightning. Even tho condos and pines are higher! (+Remove palm it will not recover)
Posted by
9/16/2009 07:03:00 AM
Labels: CV Landsdcaping
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Press One For English
You have to watch this. It is the No . 1 song played all over the country. Over 8.0 million hits on YouTube. You will not hear it on the radio or on the news. I wonder why !!????
Posted by
marc v
9/15/2009 05:22:00 PM
Labels: internet humor
Hi all,
Please slow down, stop at the sign, wait until the Gate Arm comes down; and then proceed slowly, do not drive through Gate Arm:
Dave Israel.
Posted by
UCO President
9/15/2009 01:52:00 PM
Labels: CV Security
Monday, September 14, 2009
Finance Committee -Budget Presentation
Clubhouse-Room C - Tue. 9/15/2009 - 9:30 am
Everyone Welcome
Please come and learn where your money is going .
Posted by
9/14/2009 07:49:00 PM
Labels: CV UCO Operations
These degradations in the signal will begin as a mild interference starting at 12: 30 PM on 9/30/09, with the maximum degradation occurring 10/3-10/5 and ending each day at 5:17 PM on 10/07.
The effects of a sun outage include partial degradation, that is, an increase in the error rate, or total destruction and loss of the signal during these short periods of interference.

Posted by
UCO President
9/14/2009 05:35:00 PM
Labels: CV Cable TV
Hi all,
My most profound appreciation and thanks go out to all who Posted here, sent cards or attended the burial of my Mom, this morning.
Dave Israel
Posted by
UCO President
9/14/2009 02:52:00 PM
Labels: Personal Communication
Highest Human Position in the World
Posted by
marc v
9/14/2009 12:44:00 PM
Labels: INTERNET Oddities
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Delegate Assembly, Sept. 04, 2009
Hi All,
Here is the Delegate Assembly meeting for September. Principally for our Snowbirds, but of course open to all.
Comments on the DA posting will be greatly appreciated.
Dave Israel
Posted by
UCO President
9/12/2009 08:44:00 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pause for 9/11
Pause for 9/11, thankful to be here.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame,
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
by Emma Lazarus, New York City, 1883
Posted by
9/11/2009 07:57:00 AM
Labels: Terrorism
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dave Israel's Mom
We note with regret the passing of Dave Israel’s Mom; Ruth Israel Pershan.
Ruth passed at 10:10AM, today, September 10th., 2009 at home in Greenbrier C
Ruth died of Natural causes; being aged 98 years and 8 months.
There will be a graveside interment on Monday, Sept. 14th., 2009.
Burial will be at; Palm Beach Memorial Cemetery, 3691 Seacrest Boulevard
Lantana, FL 33462. The time will be 11:00am.
Our hearts go out to Dave as he adjusts to life without his mom. To lose one's Mom leaves an empty spot in our lives. Any of us who have lost our Moms know about this hole in our lives. It takes sometime to get used to and, that we are left with many memories, and thanks Dave for all you do.
We love you. Mollie
Posted by
9/10/2009 09:43:00 PM
Labels: Notice of Passing
Sex Offenders in the HOA
I removed the whole Do You Know post at request of first poster.
The topic was internet sexual pornographer in the village. If you wish to replace comments add onto the following:
A Sex Offender Has Moved Into Your HOA ... What Now? March 2009 From - http://www.hoaleader.com/public/242.cfm
“Start by knowing that laws governing sex offenders vary from state to state, and you must determine your own state's law before you make a single move. "Across the country, more and more supreme courts have been ruling that an association can and may limit who can be in the building," says Sima L. Kirsch, a principal at the Law Office of Sima L. Kirsch P.C. in Chicago, "and that there's no prohibition of the secondary dissemination of information about sex offenders." ….
… Florida allows associations to implement restrictions. "In Florida, unless there's a provision in the association's governing documents that deals with whether people who've been convicted of crimes can live there, the association has no power to keep those people out, whether it's a murderer who's been paroled or a sexual predator who's served his or her time," says Robert L. Tankel, principal at Robert L. Tankel P.A. in Dunedin, Fla. "To keep them out of the association, it has to be voted on by the members and in the governing documents. I strongly urge that associations consider a document amendment to deal with the issue.
"If it's not in your governing documents," adds Tankel, "work with legal counsel and local law enforcement to determine the best route of notification, if any. There's no standard protocol for what to do about sexual predators or offenders within a community association. It's not defamation to tell people that someone is a convicted criminal, but it may be beyond the association's jurisdiction.
Don't step over the line. Remember that many states specifically prohibit harassment of sex offenders.”
Posted by
9/10/2009 08:11:00 PM
Labels: CV Security
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Dear Bloggers--before I move on to raccoons and rousing my neighbors to action instead of just discussing/complaining ---does anyone have raccoons in CV anecdotes,info of any kind to share ---unfortunately, my assn does not have a supply of coyote urine to sprrinkle where rocky raccoon and his gang have marked their territory ---we now have a lovely heavy bar to keep our dumpster lid secure ---I note my lids in other areas open/luring the critters---thank you once again for anything you wish to share.
Posted by
9/09/2009 07:50:00 PM
Labels: raccoons
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Locked Out
In order of least damage to door and pocket book please. (I think it is only the handle lock, not the dead bolt.)
e.g. Call Pop-a Lock or WeKey.
Does Weisner Security help?
Have extra key and better plan in future, understood.
And do not wake me up!!
Posted by
9/08/2009 07:40:00 AM
Labels: Home Security
Monday, September 7, 2009
Silent Film Festival
The recorded Delegate Assembly will be shown on Channel 63 for 5 days at 9am and 6pm (I assume weekdays). OK we get the point the Delegate Mtgs need better sound equipment. Even when speakers use the mic its garbled. Its mostly no sound this week … How many $$ needed?
Posted by
9/07/2009 06:48:00 PM
Labels: CV UCO Operations